Tuesday, January 11, 2011

PARTIAL QUOTIENTS DIVISION - not traditional, please!

Dear Parents,

The past few days we have been learning the partial quotients algorithm to divide large numbers.  This is a completely different method than the way we adults were taught in school.  Even though it might be easier to just show your child to solve (homework) division problems the traditional way, it is extremely important that you try and help them use the partial quotients method. Otherwise, it can become even more confusing for your child, right now!  Remember that Everyday Math Online - www.everydaymathonline.com - is your support during this process!  There is a plethora of both online and printable information on all of the various algorithms which are taught. 

First, log onto the Everyday Math website with your child's student login, and click on the Family Resources launch button (see below).

Next, you'll be taken to a page titled "Free Family Resources."  Select the button "Algorithms in Everyday Mathematics," and you will then be lead through a list of other options (see below).  For a video tutorial on the partial quotients method, choose from any of the online resources.
I hope this information helps you.  We will be learning the traditional division method later on this week.  As for now, students need to practice division using the partial quotients method.  Thank you for your continued support!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Welcome Back!

It's so nice to see everyone after the winter break!  Our fourth graders stepped right back into routines last week and didn't miss a beat! 

These next two weeks (Jan. 10th - 20th) will be busy with Winter CBM testing.  Therefore, please ensure that your child has a healthy breakfast, comes to school on time and is well rested.  It makes such a difference!  We will send the data results from these CBM's along with report cards in the beginning of February.  I will contact you to schedule a parent-teacher conference, if necessary.  Otherwise, feel free to let me know if you have any questions and I will be happy to answer them.

We are in the midst of our Westward Expansionism unit, and all students are now meeting with their "content" teacher, based on the specific topic (i.e. Gold Rush, Transcontinental Railroad, Trail of Tears, Oregon Trail, Lewis and Clark, Industrial Revolution, etc.) they have chosen for their research.  Fourth and fifth grade teachers are guiding students in their research through the week of Jan. 18th.  The following week, students will begin drafting their project with teacher assistance - writing at least 3 diary entries from the perspective of someone who experienced their chosen topic (such as the Gold Rush, per say). 

In Math, we've begun Unit 6, which explores long division through the partial quotients algorithm.  Students will also work with protractors and measure angles.  Remember to utilize the wonderful algorithm resources available through Everyday Math online when helping your child with this type of division (it is not like the traditional way we learned in school).  As always, it is imperative that students be knowledgeable and quick with their multiplication (they use this while dividing), and division facts.  I will be sending home extra practice sheets to those students needing that additional boost.

Our 4th grade home reading format will be changing.  Please look for a letter with more information coming in your child's take-home folder in the next few days.  This week's Home Reading Journals are postponed.

I'm sure you've seen the new portables coming to life at the top of the hill over these past couple of months!  Those will be the new homes to both 4th and 5th grade until the new building is completed.  We are estimated to move in to the portables some time between the end of January and the beginning of February.  I will let you know more specifics once we are told.

As always, thank you for your continued support.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Have a wonderful week!